Casino Gambling – The Inside Track
Hello! Hello! My name is John Batya, and I’m a professional Roulette/Black Jack player. My working day is spent in the Casino. It amazes me how many people need help figuring out what to do when they risk their hard-earned cash. I’m shocked at how many people lose their hard-earned Money.
I prefer to see this happen only sometimes, so I decided to share some of my winning betting strategies. Casinos exist to make your money easy. They offer free drinks, shows, and sometimes free dinners. There is nothing wrong with that, and it is a free society. It is fair to bring knowledge of how to defend yourself to the Casino.
Gambling requires a positive attitude. Gambling involves real Money and is considered a serious business. People who claim they gamble only for fun are lying!
Below are a few options for betting strategies. These systems are used by some of the most renowned professionals in the industry. These systems should be enough to get you started. Start to explore your options and create your game system. It would help if you started by learning the basics and then added your creative flair.
This information is intended for:
1) Amateurs who come to the Casino to have fun.
Fun: Have fun, enjoy the show, and have no loss of Money when you leave the Casino. It’s a great way to have fun.
My goal is to make sure you have good fun at the Casino.
2) Professionals who wish to sell 500 units per session.
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This is where you can wager cash for a fee* on the outcome of a coin toss or series of coin tosses. Money will be given to you if you win.
* (The House-Edge fee is the Casino’s commission. The price is usually between 1.35%-18% of the Money wagered
Roulette is a game of Negative Expectation. It is, therefore, a game of Negative Expectation. This means it is impossible to win long-term. Roulette is, in fact, just like Life: Surely, we will eventually die. However, in the short-term, life can be pretty pleasant.
Roulette is the same: We can make small profits in the short term, but we can only sit at the table for a short time.
Which online casino has the biggest welcome bonus? It is the amount of money you have available to play and how much you are willing to risk. This can be your total amount to play or how much you are ready to lose at a particular table or game. Your chances of success are greater if you have a larger bankroll. Money is like ammunition. It would be best if you had it with you at all times. It is essential to know how much money you have in your bankroll. Losers often bet more than their bankroll allows. It would help if you did not have a smaller bankroll than I recommend for each strategy.
Warning: The Casino will try to take your bankroll. They will do anything legal to get it.
Return-On-Bankroll: Just a different name for Return-On-Investment. This is an essential aspect of gambling because most losses happen after being in the black at one point or another. While they leave the Casino with a loss, they are still in profit at the end of the night. Sounds familiar?
ROB is always expressed in percentages and is measured in dollars. Your chances of success are greater if you lower your pre-determined ROB percentage. If you want to rob the Casino, stick to your pre-determined ROB!
“Life is all about managing your expectations” (Jean Bateau).
One must have a plan when going to the Casino. Each person has their expectations.
The chances of success for a ROB 20% expectation are lower than those for a ROB 20% expectation. The chances of ROBBING 20% are 87%, while the chances of ROBBING 100% are only 9 %. (Versus bankroll loss)
Here is a list of betting strategies to help you achieve your expectations.
They were rated as Aggressive/Mildly Aggressive/Conservative, Fun, Very Aggressive, and Aggressive. These Progressive betting systems allow you to increase your bets by investing your own Money. These strategies are risky, and you cannot guarantee that you will win every time. It is possible to have a nasty streak, but it is just as likely as a good streak. For your safety, you can incorporate your safety features into every strategy. You can limit the progression so that you feel at ease.
Important Note: Wait to play at one table for a short time. This will make it difficult for anyone to see what you’re doing. It would help if you did not spend more than USD 1000 or an equivalent per table. This will alert the Casino and make you the focal point of their attention.
Extremely Aggressive:
There is so much to do! Concentration is required. No alcohol. Adrenaline-rushes.
There is a lot of action! Practice makes it easy to concentrate. You are allowed to consume alcohol Adrenaline-rushes.
Mildly aggressive:
It is easy to follow without too much concentration. No alcohol allowed. There are fewer adrenaline rushes.
There is so much to do! Concentration is required. No alcohol allowed. There are some adrenaline rushes. These strategies will keep you at the Casino for long hours without causing any major damage or losing significant profits.
It is possible to make some money. You can have a lot of fun and make a lot of Money. This system is only for those who have access to free drinks. The Casino will allow you to have a great time without worrying about significant losses or huge profits.
Your bankroll is the amount of money you have in your account. Maximum loss) and don’t lose more than this amount. WALK! Come back tomorrow.
Your profit objective is set, and you can walk when you get there! Come back tomorrow.
When possible, play on one-Zero tables. These are common in Western Europe but challenging to find in the Americas.
A few things that you must know about roulette-mathematics:
There is a CERTAINTY outside bet that will win. This means that red and black will eventually come up simultaneously after being played zillion times. We don’t know the timing of things, so we can only focus on the immediate.
There is also a CERTAINTY that if Bob or Fred flip an unbiased penny, one of them will win in the first 100 flips. In 5% of cases, the one who wins will win in the foreseeable future. To place your bets, you need to review the past carefully. It is reasonable to assume that black won’t be able to come up as often shortly as red if red has been more frequently than black. This information is crucial because most people will bet on “regression towards the mean,” meaning that red and black will appear roughly equal in the short term. This is not the case. This means that you can be wrong about your choice of color (or betting zone) only 5 percent of the time! The Casino doesn’t know this; fortunately, many people don’t know about it. This information is beneficial when playing the d’Alembert or Parlay betting strategies.
A Casino is a place where luck plays a key role. Although luck is not required for the strategies described on this website, Lady Luck is always appreciated.
Bad luck is a must for the betting strategies I have described. If you have a lot of bad luck, you will lose. There are four options, as you can play on one side of the table.
1) You are lucky (profitable).
2) The table is balanced (profitable)
3) You have some bad luck, but it is still profitable.
4) You have bad luck (You lose).
You can’t recognize lousy luck until it happens. You will also be able to identify a good luck streak once it has happened.